I thought I was on to a good thing when I got a chance to hear an advance copy of Bryan Ferry's new album of Dylan covers called, with great imagination, 'Dylanesque', but it's sad to report that it's a bit of a let down. Dylan covers are a tricky business at the best of times, for every moment of Hendrix like genius, the likes of U2 and Paul Weller have been tripped up. I've been a fan of Ferry, and especially Roxy Music, for as long as I've been listening to music so I'd normally be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but this time it's just too smooth. We'd all be beter off waiting for the new Roxy album which is due later this year with Brian Eno back on board. If last year's show in Vicar Street was anything to go by, it'll be a cracker. In the meantime, check out one of Roxy's greatest, 'Country Life', their fourth album from 1974. "All I Want Is You' and 'Out Of The Blue' were highlights of the aforementioned show. And yes, it's the one with that sleeve, apparently two relatively innocent German peasent girls. They don't look it.
The hat is off to Chico over at Floodlit Footprint.