Friday, April 4, 2008

Hey Carty, What's The Story With The Electric Picnic?

Tickets came out last Friday and, not being one to wait, The Coff and I bought one each, at a very tasty €246 each! I expected a sell out but that certainly hasn't been the case. Have the Irish public finally started to get sick of shelling out more and more money for these things, an opinion voiced in the Irish Times' Ticket, or is it the fact the line-up leaves a bit to be desired thus far? Bit of both I think.
In my opinion the line up is okay so far, I'm sure there's more to come but it'll be interesting to spend a weekend knocking around listening to the likes of Grinderman, the Sex Pistols, Tinariwen, George Clinton, Candi Staton, The Waterboys, Duffy (who put on a great show in the Academy recently), Goldfrapp, Kila and, yes!, Hayseed Dixie. Anyway, the music is only part of it, excuse me for going a bit brown rice here, but it's all about the VIBE MMMAAAAANNNN! Don't miss it.

Sad to say, the other great festival weekend I had last year is not going to be repeated, as it seems the Midlands Music Festival is not to be this time, which is a real shame as the Sunday of it was possibly the greatest fest experience I ever enjoyed. It's hardly surprising though, there wasn't many people there and every second person you met had got in for free (not us of bloody course).

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