Thursday, December 28, 2006


Enjoy some free JB courtesy of JR Heatwarp from Austin, Texas

Thursday, December 21, 2006

2006 Part IV

Carty's Best O' 2006 nears completion. In the meantime, here's the front cover.

And, finally, here's the tracklisting;

Yo Ho Ho!

You saw it here first folks! Here's the first picture I've seen of our old friend Keith Richards on the set of 'Pirates of The Caribbean III", playing the part of Captain Jack's Da. One question, why did they think Keef needed make up to make him look MORE like a pirate?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2006 Part III

Movie of the year for me was, by a country mile, Martin Scorsese's 'The Departed', although I made the mistake of seeing the original 'Infernal Affairs' a few days before hand so I had a fair idea where the story was going. Fantastic performances all round although, needless to say, Nicholson acts everyone else off the screen. Now, you didn't hear it from me but some hero has put the whole thing on youtube although you can be sure it's just a matter of time before it's taken down. Go to the youtube site and search for the departed pt and you'll find it in 14 different segments. Now there are ways to download the whole thing but quality wise it's not worth it. Nothing stopping you looking at it though. I'm not putting a clip here but as usual with all Scorsese movies, the music is fantastic so instead here's a clip of a performance that I hadn't heard before of Pink Floyd's 'Comfortably Numb' as done by Roger Waters, Van Morrison and various members of the Band. Although Pink Floyd as a band normally leave me feeling numb, this is fantastic and see if you can spot the late great Rick Danko who the Coff and I met when we were just little boys (HELLO!) and he was an absolute gent.

2006 Part II

Albums of the year (in no particular order)
Endless Wire - The Who
One Day It Will Please US to Remember Even This - The New York Dolls
The Seeger Sessions - Bruce Springsteen
Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam
Razorlight - Razorlight
Nashville - Solomon Burke

Reissues of a sort
Love - The Beatles
Nashville Rebel - Waylon Jennings
Complete Atlantic Recordings - Willie Nelson

and singles...
Herculean - The Good, The Bad & The Queen
Live With Me - Massive Attack
Patience - Take That
Put Your Records On - Corrine Bailey Rae
Window In The Skies - U2
Dance Like A Monkey - The New York Dolls

and as they get two mentions, here they are;

The Dolls would also get a nod for one of the gigs of the year at the Village. Others include The Who and Paul Weller at Oxegen, despite the biblical rain. Springsteen at the Point twice, Glen Campbell at the midlands festival and a host of others.

Not hip enough for you? that's some tough shit.

Monday, December 18, 2006

More 2

That's something else. To quote the Coff; "Fantastic! The Bastards!"

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Now normally, this site would not tolerate any of this brown rice eating, flower waving, hippy shite but it is the Beatles so check this out;

note: if you are going to buy "Love", and you should, make sure and get the double pack with the 5.1 mix. Whatever you have to pay, it's worth it.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

2006 Part I

That time of year again when work has almost reached completion on the eagerly awaited compilation cd; "Carty's Best O' 2006", the third in a series. Trying to narrow down the year's music to 80 minutes is never easy but when the final track list is reached, it'll be up here. So far we've found room for tunes from Beyonce to Bruce Springsteen. Records and gigs of the year are also being mulled over. In the meantime, how about a song of the week? Let's go all the way back to 1953 for one of the first, and still one of the greatest, electric groups as we'd recognise them today. As recently featured on one of Bob Dylan's excellent radio shows (see last month's posts), here's "Blow Wind Blow" by Muddy Waters. If you want more, and you really should, I recommend Hoochie Coochie Man: Complete Chess Masters, Volume 2 1952-1958, which boasts the best sound of any Chess recording I've heard, although it's pretty bloody hard to get a hold of in this part of the world.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

U2 Live in Japan

A couple of clips from Japanese TV

Monday, December 4, 2006

Keith & Willie

What a couple of raggedy looking bastards they are but a fine performance of an underrated song. Sheryl Crow is fairly 'easy on the eye'.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

'Rock Academics'

Time Magazine's 100 Best Albums is now available as a series of podcasts through the iTunes store. Chin stroking rock academia at it's worst and all the regular suspects get rolled out yet again but it's still worth a listen.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Love Love

Anyone's who's interested has already heard the new Beatles issue, 'Love', and already knows it's fantastic. I heard comments on the radio that it's 'like painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa' but that's just stupid. Can you spot where all the samples come from? Who cares! It’s there to be enjoyed as the fine record that it is and I think it makes George Harrison's contributions shine brighter than ever while confirming the fact the Paul McCartney is the most talented man to ever even hold a bass guitar. Am I gonna post a Beatles track? Don't be daft. I don't want the Newtonian like forces of Apple Corp coming down on my head (Did you see what I did there?)
Instead enjoy this rather great version of McCartney's 'My Love' by Ken Boothe from the wonderful 'A Reggae Tribute To The Beatles - Mellow Dubmarine'

Friday, November 17, 2006


Ahead of the much anticipated Weller gig in the Olympia tonight, which Murtagh isn't allowed to go to, here's some footage of the main man.

Hire 'Em Bono

A great home made video for the new U2 Song 'Window In The Skies'. Let's see if the official one is half as good. Bono should be spending his money hiring this guy rather than throwing it away on getting back an old hat.

Return Of The Band Who Never Left

The Beatles' remix album, 'Love', has been released, I've got my hands on a copy which has been on heavy rotation here at H.Q. I'll post a full review soon but suffice to say it's a breath taking work of genius. Let's celebrate with a bit of 'Hey Bulldog';

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Utter Bollocks

A question I have often asked myself is what would have happened if Keith Richards had been in the Fantastic Four instead of The Stones, well, here's the answer.

Willie Nelson on the BBC

Part one of Outlaw: The Willie Nelson Story is available to stream from the always excellent BBC Radio 2 website. The BBC tend to leave these things up for about a week so check it out quick. As if more encouragement was needed, it's narrated by Kris Kristofferson.

The Lizzy Down The Pub

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Jaysus they're all here

All the usual suspects for the new Video for Johnny Cash's 'God's Gonna Cut You Down'. How does Kid Rock keep getting in?

The Mighty Toots!

Don't like Radiohead? I'm with you on that one - unlistenable, pretentious art-rock bollocks. But a good song can be found anywhere. Here's the mighty Toots Hibbert covering Radiohead's 'Let Down'. My thanks go to the great 'The Word' magazine for pointing me in the direction of this one.

Song Of The Week

The new Bob Dylan album got some great reviews and, in truth, it's not bad but hardly another 'Time Out Of Mind' One of the stand out tracks for me is 'Working Man's Blues#2' which, at a stretch, is a lyrical update of this Merle Haggard classic from 1969.

Jumpin' Jack Flash

Ever seen the great Stones video for 'Jumpin' Jack Flash'? Sure you have but have you ever seen the black and white alternative shot the same day? Neither had I until recently but, through the magic o' the web, we can all see it now.

Bob Dylan Radio Show

The Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio hour is just as great as the title would suggest. A complete treasure trove of blues, soul, country and everything in between. Available on subscription in the States which isn't great news for the rest of us, unless you go to Croz's excellent Bob Dylan Radio Archive. The files are available as one long mp3 or as individual files which will save you looking for material which, in a lot of cases, just isn't available out there anymore. Enjoy.

The link above is gone but the shows are currently available here

Window In The Skies - U2

Click here to stream the new U2 song

Great, as always. Bastards.

Coming Up

Reports and, if I can get them, pictures from Paul Weller at the Olympia on Friday night and Bruce Springsteen at the Point on Sunday. There will be a lot of drink involved so forgive me if these reports are a tad garbled.


This is only to kick it all off, here is the place where I hope to recommend anything I notice going on and talk about the things that are worth a nod. Photos and files of the various adventures will also be featured here.