Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Love Love

Anyone's who's interested has already heard the new Beatles issue, 'Love', and already knows it's fantastic. I heard comments on the radio that it's 'like painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa' but that's just stupid. Can you spot where all the samples come from? Who cares! It’s there to be enjoyed as the fine record that it is and I think it makes George Harrison's contributions shine brighter than ever while confirming the fact the Paul McCartney is the most talented man to ever even hold a bass guitar. Am I gonna post a Beatles track? Don't be daft. I don't want the Newtonian like forces of Apple Corp coming down on my head (Did you see what I did there?)
Instead enjoy this rather great version of McCartney's 'My Love' by Ken Boothe from the wonderful 'A Reggae Tribute To The Beatles - Mellow Dubmarine'

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